Celestial Wing

A vtuber trio based on the tarot cards The Sun, The Moon, and the Star. Come check out our universe!

Beacon - The Sun

Age: 18
Favorite Color: Amber
Favorite Song: Let's Groove - EW&F
Favorite Food: SLIM JIMSSS
Favorite Animal: Moths!!
Favorite Game(s): Life is Strange, Final Fantasy, Assassins Creed, Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age, ARK, Genshin, Identity V, Cookie Run
Fandom Name: Bacon's! lmfaoo

Lunala - The Moon

Age: 19
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Song: Viva la Vida - Coldplay
Favorite Food: Mac & Cheese
Favorite Animal: Red Panda
Favorite Games: Sun Haven, Identity V, BOTW
Fandom Name: Cosmogs

North - The Star

Age: 16
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Song: Changgwi ah ye eun
Favorite Food: Not really- I like fruit
Favorite Animal: Borb
Favorite Games: Project Sekai
Fandom Name: Cardinal's

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LOREThousands of years ago the galaxy began to form cracks. The pressure from all the celestial energies caused every being and planet in the galaxy to shatter. Shattering into a million pieces, the parts scattered the universe as they formed new celestial beings. Three pieces of the universe, one from the sun, one from the moon, and one from the north star intertwined with each other as they landed onto the planet Earth. The people began to worship these people as divine beings that could help guide them and predict their futures. Many witches had foreseen this event as the Great Dimensional Shift and knew these celestial beings to be the origins of their beloved tarot cards and would hence explain their great wisdom. The three of them now exist in this universe as guides to others as they slowly adapt and take on more human like personalities to become one of them.Individual and advanced lore to come with debuts.